Local skills and international standards
Thanks to its expertise and know-how, EXCO GHA MAURITANIA is a member of the networks:
- EXCO Africa: the leading pan-African network of audit, accounting and Legal and Tax advice firms in 15 countries in West, Central and North Africa. Exco Afrique generates more than 20 million Euros in sales, employs 600 professionals and has more than 5,000 customers in Africa.
- EXCO France: 6th independent French network of audit, accounting and consulting firms. EXCO employs nearly 2,400 people across 140 locations in France and overseas territory, Portugal and Poland.
- KRESTON International: International: 11th largest global network of accounting, auditing and independent consulting firms. Founded in 1971, Kreston covers 120 countries with 900 firms and more than 25,000 employees and associates.